Wilson High Calls Professionals to Sticky Situation

Gum Busters clean renovated high school

A northwest Washington high school recently underwent a $115 million renovation, but that doesnโ€™t seem to stop some students who still dispose of their gum on the ground.

Woodrow Wilson High School is a green building where grades and attendance are improving, but look at the sidewalk and you'll see hundreds of spots from gum that is chewed and carelessly tossed away.

The principal's message to the parents this week was to urge their children to respect the school, saying, โ€œI spent two hours scraping gum off the atrium floor last week.โ€

The principal called Gum Busters to help. Duane Cumminsโ€™s, who owns the company, said the dry stem cleaning system is fast, effective and environmentally friendly.

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