Last night's Democratic gubernatorial primary sure was a nail-biter for Brian Moran and Terry McAuliffe! Each of them got within a whole 30 percentage points of Creigh Deeds, the poor unknown "country lawyer" who wasn't supposed to win anything at all.
Oh well, not every investment turns a profit. Time to set about the business of making nice with each other so that other guy, Bob McDonnell, loses in November! And what a better opportunity to Heal Wounds than by holding a unity rally, in Richmond, with old "Kainey."
After trouncing two better-funded opponents, Virginia Democratic gubernatorial nominee R. Creigh Deeds launched his general election campaign today at a Richmond solidarity rally with his two vanquished opponents and Gov. Timothy M. Kaine. Organizers cut the event short so Deeds could speak by phone with President Obama, who offered his congratulations.
Ouch. No talky to the President Obama guy for you other two! Just rub that salt right in there, organizers.
What else to see here? Not much, except that Brian Moran cannot stop making personal comments about Terry McAuliffe, even though the pretend fighting season is over. At least we suspect a little bit of rage behind this "joke."
The former rivals in a campaign that ended with bitter flashes also ribbed one another. Moran joked about a possible solution for Virginia's energy needs -- McAuliffe, himself, could be a renewable energy source. The state could plug him into the grid, Moran said.
Moran just wants to see him electrocuted, but fortunately no one in the crowd made that connection.
Jim Newell writes for Wonkette and IvyGate.