Update: SIX Flagging was originally published on City Desk on Apr. 09, 2009, at 5:01 pm
Dan Snyder’s fiscally fisted theme park chain, Six Flags, just took another shot up the poop chute: The company was informed today that it has been kicked off the New York Stock Exchange.
Everybody but Jim Cramer has predicted the demise of Six Flags since Snyder put his management team in place and started raising the parking rates in late 2005.
But throughout the death watch, Snyder’s held on like Sunny von Bulow.
Alas, even Sunny eventually went gently into that dark night.
Not to be confused with the Dark Knight, a featured roller coaster at many of the Six Flags parks.
Keep the dial right here for all the breaking news in Snyder’s Six Flags soap opera.