UMD Porn War Update: Latest Harris Amendment Defeated

State senator helps local website milk small story even more

Maryland state Sen. Andrew Harris and the Eunuch Army have suffered a stinging defeat in the latest battle of the 2009 University of Maryland Pirate Porn War. It appears that those darn kids will, in fact, never get off his lawn.

Yesterday Harris introduced his second, less stringent amendment requiring public universities to "produce a policy 'that addresses the serious social and health concerns associated with the presentation of pornographic films at the institution.'" In other words, these rascally college kids can't just go voluntarily watching pirate sex films in public all willy-nilly like that, because of Health.

Unfortunately, some fellow state Senators seemed to think that this amendment was something of a "waste of time." This includes Senate President Mike Miller, who originally had been a Harris ally in the Porn War. But that was a week ago, when the 2009 legislative session wasn't five days away from ending.

Miller told Harris that he was OUT OF ORDER, SENATOR.

Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller Jr. (D-Calvert) ruled the amendment out of order, saying it was primarily about pornography and did not belong in the capital budget. After heated debate, the Senate voted 35 to 12 to uphold the ruling.

State Sen. E.J. Pipkin, one of Harris' Republican rivals, also mocked the Harris amendment: "When the people say, 'Don't you have something better to do?' I think we do."

Will no one look out for our young adults' health anymore?

Jim Newell writes for Wonkette and IvyGate.

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