The following stories have been hand-selected by the Assignment Desk at News4:
Md. Rejects Bill to Restrain Dogs in Pickups
Sen. J. Lowell Stoltzfus (R-Somerset) shared the kind of personal information with his colleagues today that is hardly common during fierce debates in the Maryland Senate: His family portrait includes his dog. "I love dogs," the senator from the lower Eastern Shore said minutes before he joined a majority of the chamber in voting to kill legislation that would have required pets to be caged or harnessed when riding in the back of a pickup truck. (Washington Post)
Bill Would Mandate School Uniforms
It's common knowledge in some schools: As the temperature rises, so do the skirts. However, a bill being considered in the Maryland General Assembly aims to move hemlines toward the knees by requiring students statewide to wear uniforms. The bill was heard Tuesday in the House of Delegates Ways and Means Committee. No action was taken. (Herald-Mail)
Tax Break for Car Buyers no âMagic Bullet' for Industry
A proposal in the $787 billion stimulus bill that President Obama is expected to sign today won't be the "magic bullet" that will turn the auto industry around, but it could spark some sales momentum, Peter Kitzmiller, president of the Maryland Automobile Dealers Association, said Monday. (
Hospitals See Big Drop in Staph Superbugs
A government report says the rate of dangerous staph infections has dropped dramatically in hospital intensive-care units, a rare encouraging sign about a hard-to-treat "superbug."The report involving nearly 600 hospitals is the largest to document a long-term decline in the level of IV tube-related infections of MRSA, a deadly drug-resistant staph germ. (AP/MSNBC)
Spotsy Deputy Saved Man's Life
Spotsylvania County Sheriffâs Deputy John Durbin worked for the rescue squad for 10 years before he took a job at the sheriffâs office. But in all his time riding in the ambulance, he never experienced anything like yesterday morning.Yesterday morning, he saved a manâs life. (Free Lance Star)