O'Malley Rockin' Out Amid Economic Turmoil

Hope he's having the time of his life...

ANNAPOLIS, Md. -- Gov. Martin O'Malley announced Tuesday that the continued erosion of revenue estimates "greatly changes" a supplemental budget the administration had been planning to incorporate federal assistance.

What does that mean? Plain and simple, it means revenue projections are worse than lawmakers had thought.

But don't fret, Maryland. At least you still have O'Malley's March!

That's right, while the economy has gone to h-e-double-hockey-sticks, your governor has recorded a new CD with his Irish band, according to the Washington Post.

"Galway Races" is the band's fifth CD. It took more than two years to make. Luckily there wasn't anything else going on in Maryland during that time to distract him.

The disc's official release comes Saturday night at a pair of concerts in Baltimore, where it will be on sale, but there are no appearances scheduled beyond that, O'Malley said.

"If we don't sell all thousand of [the CDs] there, we may have to find some more opportunities to play," he said.

If no one has a job, it's doubtful they'll be able to buy your CD, governor.  Just a thought.

Oh, and get this -- the governor is covering Green Day on his new CD.  That's right.  Green Day.  The song: "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)". Perhaps it's an ode to the good ol' days when the state could afford to pay workers and balance a budget...

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