The National Zoo is planning to up its security by adding fencing and reducing the number of entrances to the grounds.
The National Capital Planning Commission, which oversees zoo security, said the group is leaning to add over 4,000 feet of fencing to the zoo. The type of fencing will range from chain-link fencing in more secluded locations to ornamental fencing in more public spaces.
Additionally, the number of entrances into the zoo will be cut in half from 13 to six. The three main entrances, including the Connecticut Ave. and bus portal entrances, will remain open.
The entrance behind the Amazonia building off North Rd. NW will be fenced off, as officials say it was never meant to be an entrance. Meanwhile, the Beach Drive entrances that are currently closed now because of construction, will open soon.
One measure off the table is security checkpoints at the zoo, as visitors and neighbors voiced they don't want the zoo moving in that direction. However, there will be temporary screenings during spring break in the upcoming weeks.