There were still a few commuter routes partially closed in northern Arlington Tuesday morning and quite a few intersections didn't have working traffic lights.
News4 watched one driver on Williamsburg Boulevard get a ticket after heading down the road in the wrong direction while trying to avoid a road closure. We also watched some traffic backups as drivers ignored the temporary four-way stop signs placed at some dark intersections. Power and tree crews are working to open roads still impacted by Sunday's storms.
Arlington officials sent out the following traffic alert saying the following intersections were still affected as of early this morning:
- N. Glebe Road (southbound only), between N. 33rd and N. 36th streets.
- Old Dominion Drive, between Glebe Road and Williamburg Boulevard.
- Rock Springs Road from N. Glebe Road to Little Falls Road.
The storm that ripped through the Washington area Sunday night seemed to cause major yet isolated damage to one section of Arlington. Winds up to 60 miles per hour were reported Sunday night in the River Crest neighborhood. Large tree limbs were ripped from trees and fell on homes, cars, streets and power lines.
Dominion Power reported slightly fewer than 2,000 customers without power Monday morning, down from 10,000 right after the storm.