Charles County Officers Find Missing 81-Year-Old Woman, Guide Her Home

Charles County officers rescued and befriended an 81-year-old woman who had gone missing while taking a walk -- and even got advice from her how to live a long, healthy life.

"We often talk about the rewards of police work. On Friday, we captured a moment," read a Facebook post from the Charles County Sheriff's office.

The woman has dementia, the sheriff's office said. Last week, she went outside to take her daily walk up and down the driveway, but when she didn't return, her daughter realized she'd gone missing and called 911.

Officers and a K9 searched the nearby woods for 40 minutes before they found the woman. The Sheriff's Office said at first, she seemed confused why they were there. She asked if they were out taking a walk too, and they told her yes.

The woman then seemed relieved, telling them she was lost. One officer gently held her hand as the group walked back to her house, the Sheriff's Office said.

"Along the way, the officers made small talk with the woman, to make her feel at ease," the Sheriff's Office post said. "When asked what the key to a long, healthy life was, the woman replied, 'Eat good and stay active.'"

The woman was safely reunited with her family.


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We often talk about the rewards of police work. On Friday, we captured a moment. Officers responded to a 911 call from...

Posted by Charles County Sheriff's Office on Sunday, March 20, 2016
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