The broad daylight murder of a 24-year-old has caused great concern in a Petworth neighborhood.
D.C. police officers, patrolling nearby Georgia Avenue, heard numerous gunshots around 3 p.m. Monday — a busy time when children are walking home from school.
Officers investigated and found Malik Brown, of Northwest D.C., dying on the ground on the 700 block of Quebec Place after suffering multiple gunshot wounds.
A man was shot and killed Monday afternoon on Quebec Street NW, police say. News4's Jackie Bensen reports it is the latest in a string of shootings.
The shooter or shooters likely fled the scene in a car, police say. Officers were looking for a four-door white Honda, possibly with Maryland temporary registration.
The Quebec Place killing is the seventh shooting in the District in about 25 hours. Three of the victims died, including Malachi Lukes, just 13-years-old.