
2 body language tricks to boost your confidence: The key is to be ‘big, balanced, and still'

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When public speaking, body language plays a significant role in how your message is received.

The way you stand, what you do with your hands, and how you move in the space should all project confidence, says Matt Abrahams, a Stanford University lecturer and communication expert. Many people unintentionally signal nervousness, though.

The key to conquering body language while communicating is to be "big, balanced, and still," he says.

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Here are two ways your mannerisms can help you convey self-assurance while public speaking.

1. Stand up straight, and don't sway.

"People who lack confidence contort themselves to be small," Abrahams says.

Pulling you shoulder blades down, keeping your head straight, and standing with your feet parallel and shoulder-width apart can all make you look bigger, he says.

"Most of us stand like a penguin or duck with our feet pointed out," Abrahams says. "This makes swaying easy, and when you watch someone who is swaying you assume they are nervous."

2. Show your hands.

You want your hands to be visible: "Don't put them in your pockets or under the table," Abrahams says.

If you're leading a virtual meeting, you can put your hands in front of you or on your desk.

Gesturing is also good, Abrahams says, but be sure your arm movement goes beyond your shoulders. "Many people gesture in front of their chest and it makes them look defensive," he says.

And be sure to look either into the camera or directly at the audience you're addressing. "Here in North America we believe in strong eye contact," Abrahams says.

Utilizing your body in these ways will convey confidence and quell any suspicions of nervousness.

Want to be a successful, confident communicator? Take CNBC's new online course Become an Effective Communicator: Master Public Speaking. We'll teach you how to speak clearly and confidently, calm your nerves, what to say and not say, and body language techniques to make a great first impression. Preregister today and use code EARLYBIRD for an introductory discount of 30% off through July 10, 2024.

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