Matt Damon: Awards Shows ‘Get It Wrong'

If it was up to Matt Damon, he would've had to wait a decade for his Oscar.

"I think that the best way to judge movies is, like, 10 years after they're released," the star told Parade. "I think they should actually do the awards that way. I think they should have done the Academy Awards this year for movies from 1998."

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Doing awards the year of, he added, results in some mistakes.

"I don't think - that the awards necessarily get it right. I think they get it wrong more often than they get it right," he said.


Matt won a screenwriting Oscar for 1997's "Good Will Hunting" with Ben Affleck, but he told the mag that fans shouldn't expect another scripted effort from the pair anytime soon.

"We went on vacation together and I guess everybody thought we were writing something, but we were just having fun with our families," he said, adding, "We'll do something eventually."

Another film fans may have to wait for – a fourth Bourne movie.

VIEW THE PHOTOS: Matt Damon Filmography

"We're working on it," Matt said. "This time it would be from an original script rather than a book by Robert Ludlum. But the director, Paul Greengrass, is busy and I am too, so we'll see what happens."

The father of two has had his hands full being a dad when he's not acting – and he admitted that being a parent has changed him.

"I'm probably a lot more boring than I used to be and more tired at night," he said. "When it's bedtime, it's bedtime."

The globetrotting star is currently in South Africa, filming "The Human Factor" with Morgan Freeman and director Clint Eastwood.

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