Jon Stewart & Jim Cramer Set For ‘Daily Show' Showdown

They've been zinging each other from afar through the TV screen. Now CNBC's Jim Cramer and Comedy Central's Jon Stewart will go face to face.

Cramer is booked to visit Stewart on "The Daily Show" Thursday.

The "Mad Money" host has swung back at Stewart following a brutal segment on "The Daily Show" last week where CNBC personalities were hung by their own words — tapes of predictions on the stock market that proved hideously wrong in retrospect. While couched in laughter, Stewart's media criticism made the point that some of those who cover Wall Street share blame for the economic disaster.

Cramer was featured in the segment, recommending Bear Stearns stock that later collapsed, like the company itself.

"A comedian attacking me. Wow. He runs a variety show," Cramer said when questioned about Stewart earlier this week on the "Today" show.

Cramer conceded he made some wrong calls, like most people watching the market. But he said Stewart doesn't mention how Cramer went on "Today" last October telling people that if they needed money in the next five years, take it out of the stock market. Anyone who heeded that advice saved money, he said.

Stewart couldn't resist, saying Cramer made being comedian sound like a venereal disease.

"You make me sound like I'm some crazy buffoon, just flapping my arms with crazy buttons and wacky sound effects," he said, before playing a tape of Cramer jabbing bells and buzzers on the high-strung "Mad Money."

CNBC confirmed Cramer's appearance. CNBC reporter Rick Santelli, who was invited on "The Daily Show" last week following his attention-getting criticism of President Barack Obama's housing plan, backed out of his appearance.

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