Now that Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer have taken their relationship public, the couple is not shying away from expressing their affection for each other in the media.
In support of Jen, John attended the Thursday night premiere of “Marley & Me,” where John told Access Hollywood he was happy to be hit the red carpet for the woman he loves.
VIEW THE PHOTOS: Jennifer Aniston
John, who hit the red carpet ahead of his ladylove, told Access’ Nancy O’Dell that he thinks attending movie premieres for Jen is similar to accompanying a loved one to “the office Christmas party,” and that it falls “well within the guidelines of acceptable relationship jazz.”
“And, being a good boyfriend?” Nancy asked.
“Yeah… We would’ve done this 1972,” John replied.
And while he was answering questions about Jen, Nancy showed John a picture of her upcoming GQ magazine cover, where the actress is wearing nothing but a necktie.
Always the gentleman, John tried to change the subject, commenting on the print quality of the picture.
“Is this like an Epson 3800?” John joked. “That’s amazing! That’s like 600 DPI right there!”
“The tie is gorgeous isn’t it?” Nancy asked, referring to Jen’s racy wardrobe.
“It is… Oh boy, I gotta go,” John said trying to hide any embarrassment.
“Can I borrow this?” he added, taking the magazine cover away from Nancy.
Nancy asked if he and Jen were planning to start a family soon, pointing out that Jen plays a great mom in “Marley & Me.”
“You’re gonna try to get me in trouble,” John said. “I’m here to support someone that I love… and [her] movie.”
Nancy couldn’t help point out what John had just said.
“You used the ‘L’ word,” she said to John.
“Why, of course,” he replied.
“In love?” Nancy continued.
“Stop it,” John added with smile. “I’m trying to be cool.”
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MORE ACCESS ON THESE TOPICS: Jennifer Aniston - Nancy O’Dell - John Mayer - Couples