Half Brother Of Dane Cook Ordered Held On $1M Bail, Accused Of Stealing Millions From Comedian

The half brother of Dane Cook has been ordered held on $1 million bail on charges alleging he stole millions of dollars from the comedian.

Darryl McCauley pleaded not guilty to eight counts of larceny over $250, forgery and larceny by continuous scheme. Prosecutors said at Thursday's arraignment in Middlesex Superior Court that more charges are expected.

Prosecutors say the 43-year-old McCauley stole the money while being paid $12,500 a month to act as business manager for Cook's company, Great Dane Enterprises.

Defense attorney Robert Goldstein said McCauley denies taking any money without his brother's consent. Goldstein, who asked for $100,000 bail, said Thursday that McCauley and Cook were "virtual partners" who together built Cook's career.

A pretrial conference is set for April 16.

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