Fans React To Rihanna's Reconciliation With Chris Brown

Reports that Rihanna had reunited with Chris Brown over the weekend at Diddy's Star Island, Miami mansion has outraged many of her loyal fans.

Many took to various message boards across the Internet to express their feelings about the couple reportedly getting back together.

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"Abuse is abuse… What are you telling the young kids of the world," one fan wrote on

Another left a message saying the reconciliation set a bad example for others.

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"All the abusive men are celebrating," Highroller33138 wrote on "It sets a terrible example for women everywhere. Rihanna really disappointed me."

And the reactions were not just limited to MTV's Web site.

"Stupid, really stupid. … I hate women like this," wrote ladyofthelake on


As previously reported on, Rihanna and Brown reportedly spent the weekend together in Miami after getting back together.

"They're together again," a source told People, which first reported the story. "They care for each other."

Earlier this month, authorities told Access Hollywood that Brown and a woman, who sources have told Access was Rihanna, were arguing in a car in the Hancock Park area of Los Angeles just after midnight on Sunday February 8.

Brown reportedly stopped the car, he and the woman got out and the argument escalated. A spokesperson for the LAPD previously told Access that the woman suffered visible injuries.

Due to victims' rights, police will not confirm that the woman involved was Rihanna. However, a photograph reportedly of Rihanna, showing the singer bruised and with a bloody nose, leaked onto TMZ's Web site just over a week ago.

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