Following her serious head injury on a Canadian ski slope, Natasha Richardson remains in a New York hospital with her loved ones close by – but according to one family friend, the outlook appears dire.
"There is no chance," a family friend told People on Tuesday night. "It is a fact that her heart is beating but she is brain dead."
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According to the family friend, doctors described Richardson's condition as a "leakage of blood between the brain and skull."
When asked if Richardson's family had been forced to make any decisions concerning her medical care, the family friend said, "It's not official yet… but they basically will detach her."
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As previously reported on, Richardson was involved in a skiing accident on Monday at Station Mont Tremblant near Montreal while the 45-year-old Tony-winning star was taking a lesson.
"Natasha Richardson fell in a beginners trail while taking a ski lesson at Station Mont Tremblant," a rep for the ski resort said in a statement released to Access.
"As an additional precautionary measure, the ski instructor as well as the ski patrol accompanied Mrs. Richardson to her hotel. They again recommended she should be seen by a doctor. The ski instructor stayed with her at her hotel. Approximately an hour after the incident Mrs. Richardson was not feeling good. An ambulance was called and Mrs. Richardson was brought to the Centre Hospitalier Laurentien in Ste-Agathe and was later transferred to Hôpital du Sacre-Coeur."
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A rep for the ski resort told People, "She was laughing and joking and she walked to her room on her own" following her fall.
According to the resort rep, Richardson did not hit anyone or anything during the incident.
A rep for the film "Chloe," which Richardson's husband, Liam Neeson, has been filming in Toronto, confirmed to Canadian Television that the Irish actor left the set to be with his wife.
On Tuesday, Richardson was flown to a hospital in New York City.
Neeson and Richardson wed in 1994. The couple has two sons — Micheal Richard Antonio, 13, and Daniel Jack, 12. first reported news of Richardson's accident.
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