Britney Spears has racked up millions of dollars in legal fees since the beginning of her father's co-conservatorship over her estate (which began on February 1, 2008), according to new court papers acquired by Access Hollywood. The papers also give tremendous insight into the positive improvements made the star in the course of her recent life changes.
The Los Angeles Times was the first to break the news of the pop star's hefty bills, which were tallied in court documents filed on Monday.
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Since dad Jamie Spears became Britney's conservator, she's paid over $2.7 million in various lawyers' fees and costs split between 17 different attorneys.
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Amongst the costs — $160,000 initially paid plus additional payments for Jamie, who serves as Britney's personal conservator and the co-conservator of her estate; $409,849.21 to Andrew Wallet, of Hinojosa & Wallet, who serves as her estate's other co-conservator; and hundreds of thousands of dollars to other attorneys regarding "Florida litigation," "family law," "First Amendment issues," a "vehicle misdemeanor charge" and further legal matters.
Jamie and Wallet were made permanent conservators on October 28, 2008 after their previous temporary status.
The papers, which term the period from the beginning of the conservatorship to present day the "First Account," note that Britney has made great strides during the course of its 14 months, stating that, "her physical and mental health continue to mend." They also point out her increased visitation time with her two children and her renewed career success.
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The papers acknowledged that they did not reveal the full scope of Britney's wealth, noting that she has assets in, "various trusts and other states" not covered by the conservatorship as well as, "substantial interests in numerous business entities which are protected by trade secret," which are not included in the documents.
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