‘Bachelor's' Melissa Reveals New Man In Her Life

Once the cameras stopped rolling, the relationship between Melissa Rycroft and "Bachelor" Jason Mesnick was very different, Melissa told Ellen DeGeneres.

In an interview airing on Thursday on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show," Melissa revealed it wasn't long after the show ended that the couple's relationship changed.

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"It was pretty immediate. Once we got back, we both kind of sat in the real world and we were talking about how it was different," Melissa told Ellen. "When you take the cameras away, it was just at that point when we brought up how difficult it was [and] he kind of gave up. I couldn't understand why at the time. Now, I do because I think there was someone else involved."

Of course, Jason revealed on the "After the Final Rose" special that there was another woman – runner-up Molly Malaney, who he claimed he still had feelings for.

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But Jason's big reveal didn't come as a surprise to Melissa.

"What made you think he was seeing Molly?" Ellen asked.

"I think, first being a girl you get that feeling. Anybody that's been cheated on, you know, and being a woman, I got that feeling because he just backed away from me and I knew he had contacted her. I know there had been at least one contact that I knew about where he was 'checking on her' and so it was just in the back of my mind," Melissa admitted. "I would just casually ask, 'Are you talking to her? Have you talked to her? Tell me, just be honest of what I'm asking you.'"

In addition, Melissa confirmed what Jason had previously told The Los Angeles Times that he ended the relationship over the phone a week before the taping of the "After the Final Rose" special.

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"I knew I wasn't getting dumped — we had already ended the relationship and that was mutual," she added. "I repeatedly asked him, 'Is Molly involved in anything?' And when they moved up the taping of 'After the Final Rose,' I was going, 'Why did we move the taping up? What's going on?'"

But it was Jason's refusal to admit to Melissa he was breaking up because of Molly that made her so angry on the show.

"I asked Jason, 'Am I going to be blind-sided by anything? Is there anything you want to tell me?' and he said, 'No, gosh no.' And the second I went out on that stage, he goes P.S. it is Molly…and I went, 'Bastard,'" Melissa explained.

But Melissa did have some good news for Ellen – she's found a new man in her life.

"Are you with someone now?" Ellen asked.

"Yes," Melissa revealed. "Because of the privacy and everything going on, we haven't really been able to explore a new relationship, but now that everything is over, I'm so excited!"

And as it turns out, Melissa's new beau, who she said she's known for two years and has "been my biggest rock" throughout her "Bachelor" drama, has an ironic connection to Jason.

"His name is Ty," Melissa noted, the same name as Jason's son who appeared on the show.

And so surprise, don't expect to see Melissa and Ty on any double dates with Jason and Molly in the future.

"Jason and Molly don't quite have the characteristics of someone I would want to be friends with," Melissa said. "On a level they both did betray me. I understand it was a break-up and I'm not mad about that. We all get broken up with but to be lied to?"

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