
Maryland Candidates Drum Up Support the Last Weekend Before Election Day

NBC Universal, Inc.

Maryland’s candidates campaigned in Montgomery County over the weekend to garner support in the last days before the pivotal mid-term elections. 

One of the events, which featured Democratic candidates, was held in Wheaton, Maryland. It was well attended by organized labor and immigrant advocacy groups. It also highlighted the historic nature of the race, and the many issues Maryland is facing. 

“The future of our economy, it’s making sure we have a 21st-century education system, it’s how do we focus on public safety,” Democratic gubernatorial candidate Wes Moore said. 

One of those issues is the future of faith in the system of Maryland voting. It is a system, candidates, like Moore and his Republican opponent Dan Cox will be depending on come Election Day. 

“We understand that right now, what we have to do, is not just win an election, we’ve gotta send a message,” Moore said. “That democracy lives in the state of Maryland, that we have free and fair elections in the state of Maryland.”

It was a busy weekend on both sides of the political aisle. 

Republican gubernatorial candidate Dan Cox held his pre-election rally in Brunswick, Maryland, on Sunday. His event included a Charles County Pastor and a spokesperson for former president Trump.

Republican Dan Cox and Democrat Wes Moore squared off in their only debate before the Maryland governor's election. Prince George's County Bureau Chief Tracee Wilkins reports.

The rally in Wheaton was followed by a massive get-out-the-vote effort.

“Maryland, I think, is going to be a beacon of hope on Tuesday when we elect a very diverse ticket,” Rep. Anthony Brown said. 

If Brown wins, he would become the state’s first Black attorney general, Moore would become the state’s first Black governor, and lieutenant governor candidate Aruna Miller would be the first Asian-American elected statewide in Maryland.

“This is a state that welcomes everyone from all over the world,” resident Sizhe Xie said. 

Election Day is Tuesday and the days leading up to it are equally important for both sides of the aisle in Maryland. 

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