New York Ave. Drivers Paid to Avoid Construction

DDOT offers money to qualified commuters who opt for Metro over driving

New York Avenue's six-lane road in northeast Washington will soon be narrowed to four lanes for the next two years.  

The New York Avenue bridge is undergoing a major reconstruction project between Penn Street and Florida Avenue starting next month.  The lane reduction is expected to start on or about April 25.  DDOT estimates commuters can expect delays of 15-30 minutes in the project area for the duration of the lane reductions.

β€œThere’s no other way to do it -- this aging structure needs to be replaced for the safety of everyone who crosses it and for the rail traffic underneath,” Mayor Vincent Gray said in a release. β€œBut I don’t want to understate the impact of taking away two lanes: there will be backups and it will take you significantly longer to get down New York Avenue until this project is completed.”

Because of the expected traffic mess, DDOT said it will pay $50 a month toward Metro SmarTrip cards for the first 2,000 qualified commuters who agree to ride Metro instead of driving on New York Avenue.

DDOT officials said they were inspired to try "Bridge Bucks" after the program worked so well during Woodrow Wilson Bridge construction.  

It's first come, first served, so log on to to apply.

DDOT will post real-time updates on strategically placed message boards constantly to caution travelers about traffic conditions in the project area, enabling them to divert onto alternate routes. You can also start to follow @NYAve411 on Twitter to receive updates and alerts.

Looking for alternate routes? Try these:

  • Option 1: Montana Avenue to Rhode Island Avenue to North Capitol Street
  • Option 2: West Virginia Avenue to Florida Avenue
  • Option 3: South Dakota Avenue to Rhode Island Avenue to North Capitol Street
  • Option 4: I-295 to two potential exits: Benning Road or East Capitol Street 5
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