Unique Maryland Helmets Not So Unique

The Maryland football uniforms worn Monday night against "The U" are being touted by Under Armour as inspiring, but as one of our Facebook followers pointed out Tuesday morning, they may have had some outside inspiration of their own.

The Baltimore-based Charm City Rollers All-Stars roller derby team wears head gear that is strangely similar to the flag-based paint job that Under Armour created for Maryland.

“They’re not identical, but they’re shockingly similar,” said team captain Hillary “Rosie the Rioter” Rosensteel, to the Baltimore Sun. “We were surprised about the new design that the Terps are wearing because it’s so similar to our helmets that we’ve been wearing for a good three years.”

Looking at them side-by-side raises the question of how original the Terps design really is. We're no legal experts, but the derby girls might be able to flex some muscle here.

Or, they can consider the ribbing that Maryland is taking for the awful design and let Under Armour have all the glory.

Questions, comments or tips? Email Sarah at sarahskogod@gmail.com. You can also follow her on Twitter (@sarahschorno).

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