Report: Nats on Verge of GM Change

Baseball Prospectus says Nats to hire new GM

Today's spring opener could be the last game that Jim Bowden sees as Nats GM.  Baseball Prospectus is reporting, based on the always nebulous "industry sources," that the Nats are strongly considering dumping him.

The top candidate as his replacement appears to be Blue Jays Assistant GM Tony La Cava.

In an article from last June, Prospectus sums up La Cava's strengths: "When you meet Tony La Cava, you learn two things. First, he knows everyone. Second, everyone loves him. La Cava might rightly be known as the nicest guy in baseball, and his extensive connections will be among his biggest asset when a team finally decides to give him his shot. With a scouting background, La Cava is known as one of the most savvy talent evaluators in the game, making him a perfect candidate for a team that needs to build through development."

It's that last point for which Jim Bowden has not shown any specific aptitude.

The Prospectus report gains a bit of credence with its contention that Bud Selig has waved the typically mandatory requirement that teams interview minority candidates for open jobs.

Apparently, because this would be occurring so late in the offseason, Czar Bud is willing to look the other way.

If it does happen, it'll be a welcome change from the last few weeks of sideshow.

With the games actually starting, it'd be nice to focus on what's happening on the field.

Although appropriately, Austin Kearns struck out and Jesus Flores hit into a double play to end the Nats' first scoring chance of the season.  Maybe the sideshow isn't so bad!

Chris Needham used to write Capitol Punishment, and he's never been happier to be a Nats fan.

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