According to Twitter, Calhoun Will Coach Tomorrow

Nothing will stop Charlie Villanueva from tweeting. The Milwaukee Bucks forward was reprimanded by his team earlier this week for sending an update during halftime of a game with the Celtics, so he's keeping it to his free time now. And, potentially, breaking stories while he's at it.

The University of Connecticut announced that coach Jim Calhoun was out of the hospital and with the team at their hotel on Friday morning, but made no comment about his status for Saturday's game with Texas A&M. Thankfully, we have the Twitter-obsessed Villanueva to fill in the blanks.

Villanueva, who played for Calhoun, tweeted late on Thursday night to update his followers about Calhoun's condition.

"Calhoun will coach next game, inside source"

Given the connection, you have to think that Villanueva's source is pretty solid on this one. Obviously health can take twists and turns, so it's worth wating for official confirmation but Huskies fans can breathe a sigh of relief.

The growing phenomenon that is Twitter often threatens to bog our world down under the crushing weight of minutiae. No one really cares what someone else had for dinner, and constant streams of conversation are still best had in person, but Villanueva's tweet illustrates the greatest benefit of the technology. People are interested in Calhoun's condition and Twitter provided an outlet for Villanueva to get the word out there.

Josh Alper is a writer living in New York City and is a contributor to and in addition to his duties for

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