WASHINGTON -- George Washington University officials sent sorority presidents an e-mail warning them about the side effects of a laundry detergent used during a fraternity event over the weekend, the GW Hatchet reported.
At least one sorority sister went to a hospital after suffering a reaction to the Kirkland brand detergent used to lube a slip 'n' slide at Pi Kappa Alpha's Fireman's Challenge, the Hatchet reported.
According to the university e-mail, participants in the event, which raised more than $21,000 for the D.C. Firefighter's Burn Foundation, could suffer burning of their own. In addition to burning and skin irritation, the detergent could cause shortness of breath, throat closing and severe pain in the genital region, the Hatchet reported.
The e-mail was sent to let people know how to treat their rashes.
Other sorority members who participated may also have sought hospital treatment