CAKE LOVE: Wash the apple-pie guts off your cute cake/pie server ($32 each) and flip it over to display it as a dachshund sculpture. Instant art, instant pet, and you'll never have to walk it. Even better, its job is basically to get you dessert. Available at The Chocolate Moose (1743 L St. N.W.).
JEAN SCENE: Buy a voucher for $25 and get $50 to spend at National Jean Company (1826 Library St., Reston and 7301 Woodmont Ave., Bethesda) on brands like C&C, Earnest Sewn and J Brand. The voucher is limited to one per customer and for in-store purchases only, but we really can't be a downside to this deal. (Thanks to CityShopGirl for tipping us off to this one!) Score your voucher here.
TIE HIGH: How to make plaid look like tie-dye? (And has this really ever been a concern of yours? We're guessing no.) But even so, Banana Republic has found a way. We would have thought this was more of an Urban Outfitters thing, but hey, we're gonna roll with it. This faux-wrap pleated plaid dress (usually $130; $91 through July 26) has gathers and tucks to simulate a wilder pattern. Pair it with a short-sleeved cardi for a summer-casual office, or heaps and heaps of beads for a night out. Psst: Tons of work essentials are 30% off through July 26.