See Road Closures for Halloween in Georgetown

Halloween festivities planned in Georgetown on Wednesday will lead to road closures in the area, and drivers should avoid the area if possible, D.C. Police said.

Police have shared the traffic restrictions and street closures listed below.

The following streets will have traffic restrictions which will limit vehicles from turning onto side streets from about 6:30 p.m. Wednesday to 3 a.m. Thursday:

β€” Wisconsin Avenue NW from K Street NW to the O Street NW

β€” M Street NW from Pennsylvania Avenue NW to the Key Bridge

The following streets will have Emergency No Parking restrictions from about 4 p.m. Wednesday to 6 a.m. Thursday:

β€” K Street NW from 30th Street to Wisconsin Avenue NW

β€” Water Street NW from 32nd Street west to the mouth of the Capital Crescent Trail

β€” 1000-1300 blocks of Wisconsin Avenue NW

β€” M Street NW from 25th Street to the Key Bridge

β€” 1100 block of 26th Street NW

The following streets will be closed (except for local traffic) from about 6:30 p.m. Wednesday to 3 a.m. Thursday.

β€” 29th Street NW from O Street south to M Street NW

β€” 30th Street NW from O Street south to M Street NW

β€” 31st Street NW from O Street south to M Street NW

β€” 29th Street NW from O Street south to M Street NW

β€” Potomac Street from O Street south to M Street NW

β€” Bank Alley from Prospect to M Street NW

β€” 29th Street NW from K Street north to M Street NW

β€” Thomas Jefferson Drive from K Street north to M Street NW

β€” 31st Street NW from K Street north to M Street NW

β€” South Street NW from Wisconsin Avenue to 31st Street NW

β€” Grace Street NW from Wisconsin Avenue to Potomac Street NW

β€” Cecil Place NW from Grace Street to Water Street NW

Note that "local Traffic" is considered residents, business owners and employees, who will be allowed to access residences and businesses in this area. 

Police warn that all street closures and times are subject to change.

Drivers should expect parking restrictions and should follow the posted "emergency no parking" signs. Any vehicles parked in violation of the signs will be ticketed and towed, police said.

Drivers may find delays in the area and and may want to consider other routes.

Police and the D.C. Department of Transportation are also asking drivers in the area to be careful due to an increase of pedestrians expected Wednesday.

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