Gather 'round, young ones, and you will hear a tale of drama, sorrow, intrigue, hope and Facebook.
Nah, OK, we all know that Screen on the Green was saved at the 11th hour, and D.C.'s well-loved summer tradition of movies on the National Mall has returned for another summer. In case you've been slacking in your socialbility, it's time to break out the mass e-mail and head to the Mall with your friends, neighbors, coworkers, friends' dogs, neighbors' hot visiting cousins, well-wishers, hangers-on, and perhaps nonverbal parrots. In other words, everyone.
Remember that the Mall (Constitution Avenue between 4th and 7ths streets N.W.) fills up quickly, and we're betting that it'll be more packed tonight than in recent years thanks to our general gratitude that the event is back. Hightail it outta work as early as possible and slather on the sunscreen while you hold your spot. We also recommend these camping seats for back support if you're over the age of 22. It's not exactly comfy anymore for SOME of us to sit on the grass for four or five hours anymore. Le sigh.
Other stuff to bring:
- A ridiculous balloon or flag to have friends locate you by. People do it every year. The more ridic, the better, if you ask us.
- Water (and a water bowl if you're bringing a dog).
- Snacks.
- Sushi if you're an Arlington yuppie.
- Cosi if you're in a rush.
- Half-smoke with mustard if you're in a rush, and also broke.
- Takeout from Lindy's Red Lion if you're a D.C. summer intern living in the GW dorms.
- Blanket to sit on, if you're too cheap to spring for the camping seats. (Seriously, they're awesome.)
- Money for ice cream. Trust us on this one.
And of course, leave your dignity at home, because you won't need it for the HBO Dance.
Here's the schedule:
Monday, July 20 -- "Close Encounters of the Third Kind"
Monday, July 27 -- "Dog Day Afternoon"
Monday, August 3 -- "On the Waterfront"
Monday, August 10 -- "Rebel Without a Cause"