Reports that Rihanna had reunited with Chris Brown over the weekend at Diddy's Star Island, Miami mansion have raised concerns with one of the singer's relatives, according to People.
"Everyone wants them to take a break, to cool off," a relative of Rihanna told the mag after she returned to Los Angeles with Chris Brown early Monday morning. "No one wants them back together."
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The relative said her family believed the relationship was over following the alleged altercation between the couple.
"I'm concerned," the relative continued. "I don't want her to make a mistake, and I don't want her to ever go through his again."
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As previously reported on, earlier this month, authorities told Access Hollywood that Brown and a woman, who sources have told Access was Rihanna, were arguing in a car in the Hancock Park area of Los Angeles just after midnight on Sunday February 8. It is widely believed that Rihanna was allegedly injured as a result of Brown that night.
Rihanna and Brown left Miami Monday morning together on the same plane headed to LA.
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