Patrick Swayze Fires Back At Reports He's Losing Cancer Battle

As he continues his battle against pancreatic cancer, Patrick Swayze is firing back at the tabloids that are claiming the actor is losing his fight.

"It's amazing to me that the tabloids, such as The National Enquirer, print such negative stories about me and my health when there are so many positive things going on in my life right now," Swayze said in a statement to Access Hollywood on Wednesday.

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This week's National Enquirer used a photo of a thin Swayze (taken on March 3 leaving a doctor's office) with the headline "The End."

However, the star of A&E's "The Beast" dispelled the reports his cancer treatment is not working.

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"I've started a new chemotherapy and, once again, I am one of the lucky ones with pancreatic cancer that is responding well to the treatment," he added.

Instead of focusing on his illness, Swayze pointed out the positive things in his life these days.

"There is a brand new, twelve week old, Rhodesian Ridgeback puppy named Kumasai in my life who is gorgeous and already showing that he will be one special dog. I am starting work on my new book, in addition to enjoying the fantastic response from everyone on my A&E series 'The Beast,'" his statement continued. "I hope in the future, the press will think twice about printing inaccuracies and painting an unpleasant picture when I have so much to be thankful for at this time."

VIEW THE PHOTOS: Patrick Swayze Filmography

The 56-year-old actor isn't the only one fed up with the negative reports – his mom has seen enough of them, as well.

"I wish they would just leave him alone," Patsy Swayze told Access in late January.

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