Read this and you'll look smart. You don't have to be intelligent to impress people -- you just have to fake it. Here's a daily list of fascinating articles that will wow your friends, surprise your co-workers and make you seem sharp at a cocktail party or over the lunch counter....
- Rat catchers are in vogue again in northwest Germany. The last time the town of Hamelin had a rat problem of this magnitude -- ten times the number of rats typical for the town -- was 724 years ago, when the incident was noted in a Brothers Grimm fairy tale.
- Archaeologists in Morocco have uncovered what is believed to be two new species of dinosaur -- including a giant flying pterosaur and a sauropod. Both appear to be unknown to scientists.
- A mare from Kansas was bestowed the honor of being the horse with the the longest tail in the world. Her tail is 12 feet, six inches.
- Is it time for mint juleps yet? The Kentucky Derby is starting to compete with other sports by tapping a national ad agency for the first time in order to more effectively market the race as a "lifestyle brand."
- Many classic games were created during economic downturns -- Scrabble, Legos, Monopoly, etc. Check out other classic toy stories here.
- A replica of the world's first computer has been built.