In the wake of the Chris Brown and Rihanna incident, Kanye West spoke out, saying Rihanna was like the rapper's "baby sis" and noting he would "do anything and everything to help her in any situation."
But on Saturday, Kanye West joined VH1's "Storytellers" fold, and came to the defense of Chris.
"Can't we give Chris a break," Kanye told the audience at the show. "I know I make mistakes in life."
During the show, the always-candid Kanye told stories as he introduced several of his songs, including "Heartless" and "Robocop." But Chris and Rihanna weren't the only controversial topics he addressed.
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When the show aired, producers cut out Kanye's plea for Chris, but they did leave in his anger against Dr. Jan Adams, the surgeon who performed his mother, Donda West's deadly plastic surgery.
"A new book coming out — 'Dr. Adams The Truth about Donda West: What The Media Doesn't Want You To Know,'" Kanye said as the music for the song, "Flashing Lights," began. "Now that my mom has passed, would she really want me to put myself in a situation where I go to jail, for killin' him?"
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