WASHINGTON -- The fifth time was a charm for Apple, as the Old Georgetown Board finally approved its storefront design.
Apple has been trying to sell its high-tech wares in Georgetown for a while, but each time the company presented its plans for a building located at 1229 Wisconsin Ave. NW, the design was rejected by an architectural review board.
Apparently it was just too hip and cool for those who think they're too hip and cool for Apple ... or anyone else, for that matter.
But on Thursday, the board finally caved in and the store can open, according to the Washington Post.
The store still has to get approval from the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts, but the Post reported that approval should not be an issue.
So fear not, GTown, you can soon buy all the iPods and iPhones (and $35 protective sleeves) our wonderful economy will permit.
For more on the Apple-Georgetown debacle, visit the Georgetown Metropolitan, which has had great coverage.