
7 Veterans in DC Have Coronavirus

Washington DC VA Medical Center 00FBB485

Seven veterans in Washington, D.C, are among those being treated for COVID-19.

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs confirmed to News4 on Sunday that seven coronavirus patients were under the care of the Washington DC VA Medical Center. There were just two confirmed cases on Saturday.

Four patients are under home quarantine and three others are receiving treatment at the hospital on Irving Street NW.

Federal records show the VA has administered nearly 1,200 COVID 19 tests nationwide. They are doing the screening inside VA healthcare facilities.

So far, there are 130 positive cases, including the two D.C. patients.

The medical center has been taking extra precautions such as screening tables and staff checking those who enter.

The VA is urging patients who feel feverish or have possible virus symptoms to use the agency’s tele-health service first,

As of Saturday evening, there are no positive tests at the other VA hospitals in the region, including Baltimore and Martinsburg.

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