Democratic Virginia gubernatorial candidates Terry McAuliffe, R. "Creigh" Deeds, and Brian Moran have discovered a secret group of voters who, if pandered to properly, could win one of them the June primary. Who knew?
The Washington Post reports that the three "have launched aggressive campaigns to woo the state's African American voters," 80 percent of whom are registered as Democrats.
But who will win the magic prize in the primary?
The candidates have a couple options for winning larger shares of the black vote, which made up 20 percent of Virginia voters in last November's general election. Among them:
1) "Tailor messages" with regards to issues that would "resonate" with black people, such as, "This is how black people will own more businesses" or "This is how black children will not be as fat." The Post explains: "And each is tailoring a message to resonate with African Americans -- talking up proposals to increase the number of minority-owned businesses, combat childhood obesity." The problem with this "issue-based" strategy is that it requires effort and perhaps even following up, later.
2) Have the state's most famous black political person tell everyone what to do! Oh L. Douglas Wilder, just say the words: "... [O]ne major endorsement remains to be captured. All three candidates have made personal visits to the office of L. Douglas Wilder, the nation's first elected black governor."
It will be the most important political fight in history, this will, to win Virginia's large base of black people, in a primary.
Jim Newell writes for Wonkette and IvyGate.