Washington DC

DC summer camps: Families encouraged to apply for reduced rates in 2025

Mayor Muriel Bowser and the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR)  want eligible residents to apply for reduced rates for 2025 summer programs including summer camps

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D.C.'s Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) is encouraging families to apply for 2025 summer camp programs.

The highly-awaited summer camps can help children and teens delve deeper into their passions from STEM to acquatics, sports, dance and journalism.

DPR has a variety of exciting camp offerings for children and teens to choose from. On Feb. 3, DPR is set to release full information on what camps will be available and where they'll be located. Check this page for updates.

Families who make less than $100,000 a year may be eligible for discounts on summer camp enrollment. Here's who qualifies. Families must apply by Feb. 10, 2025, to have the reduced rate applied to summer camp registration.

Create an account by accessing the DPR website or simply log in to get started. Complete a quick form required by D.C. You will receive an email confirmation with the rest of the details. 

Note that the application must be submitted and approved by the DPR before you can begin enrollment at a reduced rate.

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