"An anonymous and appreciative Astros fan" says civility is still alive among Washington Nationals fans.
A quarter-page ad placed in the sports section of The Washington Post on Monday thanks Nats fans for their warm welcome of Astros fans.
"Whether in restaurants, on the way to the game, or at our seats, Nats fans have been nothing but thoroughly friendly, engaging and welcoming," the ad says. "Sure, as we walk around in our rainbow Astros gear there is the typical good-natured banter, but none of the true vitriol we have experienced in other cities."
Go here for a closer look at the ad.
The "Open Letter to Nats Fans" says it's from a family of die-hard Astros fans.
"There seems to be a true appreciation of what we have in common like passion for the sport, our teams, and the fun of watching two great teams battling it out on the field, rather than a shallow focus on what differentiates us," the writer continued. "In a world where unfortunately the focus is quite often put on the latter, I have been truly struck by how well we have been treated."