The fur is still flying over Seth Meyers' stand-up skewering of Donald Trump at the White House Correspondents' Dinner in Washington on Saturday.
After being made the butt of many of Meyers' joke at the dinner, Trump bit back, calling the Saturday Night Live writer "a stutterer" on Fox News Sunday morning.
The Stuttering Foundation, a nonprofit organization supporting those who stutter, has taken major offense.
"Shame on you, Mr. Trump!" the organization wrote in a release. "We at the Stuttering Foundation find it discouraging that in 2011, Donald Trump has chosen to use the word 'stutter' in a derogatory fashion, something to be made fun of."
Trump made the comment when asked by Fox News anchors what he thought about the jokes, many made at his expense, delivered by President Barack Obama and host Seth Meyers at Saturday's Washington Hilton event.
The real estate mogul, who has been flirting with a run for the presidency, said, "I thought Seth Meyers, frankly, his delivery was not good. He's a stutterer and really was having a hard time."
Meyers did trip over his words during a few points in his monologue, but did not miss any beats while delivering a string of Trump jokes. "Gary Busey said recently that Donald Trump would make a great president," Meyers quipped. "Of course, he said the same thing about an old rusty bird cage he found."
The Stuttering Foundation said Trump's insult reflected a biased and out-of-date perspective on stuttering. "We had hoped that this kind of unfortunate comment was a thing of the past," they wrote. "When in doubt about the eloquence of those who stutter, Trump should take a look at Winston Churchill, King George VI, and James Earl Jones."