Metro Gives Preliminary Approval to Bus Bay Smoking Ban

Ban given preliminary approval Thursday.

The Metro board announced today that they would be moving forward with a new smoking ban. Under the new plan, smoking would be prohibited at all metro owned bus stops and bus bays, according to transportation reporter Adam Tuss.

Metro's Board of Directors gave preliminary approval to a policy that would ban smoking at all Metro-owned bus bays and bus stops.

In a move that's being designated as a "Tariff Change," Metro said Thursday it will prohibit smoking to improve service effectiveness and customer satisfaction.

"I think, personally, people shouldn't be smoking around other people," Metro GM Richard Sarles said. "We have all heard about second hand smoke and what it can do to you... So don't do it."

Metro owns 419 bus bays and stops out of the 11,400 locations in the D.C. metro area. Many of the stops are owned and operated by jurisdictions. However, there are some large metro bus bays, like Pentagon and West Falls Church, that house numerous bus lines.

Metro says it held a number of public meetings on bus changes over the summer, and the no smoking policy was a recommendation from those meetings.

It is still unclear how Metro would enforce the ban, but the ban is similar to the no smoking rule at rail stations and platforms.  

Fines/penalties for smoking offenses vary by jurisdiction, between $25 and $100 -- but Metro only owns about 419 bus stops out of 11,400 region-wide.

A final vote is expected in the coming weeks.

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