Some District residents are so passionate about the city, they sport tattoos of Mayor For Life Marion Barry.
Others who aren't so bold sport tattoos of D.C.'s ever-popular three-stars, two-bars flag.
Those who do are being asked to gather at Dupont Circle from 6-8 p.m. Tuesday to show off their ink and make the case for District voting rights in Congress.
Tuesday is Flag Day, and the Washington event is called D.C. Flag Tattoo Day. It's billed as the largest-ever gathering of people with D.C. flag tattoos. Probably because no one else has ever had such a gathering.
Organizers claim thousands of people sport the two bars and three stars of Washington's flag on their
bodies. D.C. Shadow Representative Mike Panetta and former D.C. Council candidate Bryan Weaver recently got flag tattoos.
Flag tattoos reportedly got their start in the District's punk music scene, but they've become more of a political statement in recent years.
For more information, click here, or follow the #dcflagtattoo on Twitter.