Congrats, “Univeristy” Graduates!

Misspellings, unfortunately, happen to the best of us.

But don't take our word for it.  Just ask the Washington "Natinals." Or the Roosevelt Senior High School “Rough Ryders.” Or "Bobby Cocks."

Well, now we can also ask "Georgetown Univeristy," which managed to let the error slip through on the cover of its 2011 Commencement book.

The Vox Populi blog caught the misspelling and shared the following picture as evidence:

(Image courtesy Vox Populi)

Vox Populi added the following:

Georgetown’s 2011 Commencement book contains the name and high school of every graduating senior, the name, college, and discipline of every graduating graduate student, and loads of other quasi-useful information, including a brief history of our fine University.

You know what else it contains? A pretty egregious spelling error, emblazoned across the bottom of the front cover. ... Congratulations, graduates!

The university said a letter from the university registrar, John Q. Pierce, was next to the programs available at graduation, and corrected copies are being printed and will be mailed to those who make requests.

Here is the letter from the registrar:

Letter about commencement program:
Dear graduates, families, and friends:

We regret the error on the cover of this year's commencement program.

We recognize that the tradition of excellence we celebrate today far exceeds this oversight.

Since I know that you may wish to retain a copy of the program as a memento, we would be happy to send you a corrected copy as soon as it is available.

Please provide your mailing information on the form available, or email me ... to receive a corrected copy of the program.

John Q. Pierce
University Registrar and Assistant Provost

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