Wizards Need Three Wins to Avoid Dubious Distinction

The Washington Wizards are bad. That is no secret, but are they franchise-worst bad? It's entirely possible.

According to The Washington Post's Michael Lee, the 12-41 Wizards need to win three of their final 13 games to avoid setting a new mark of franchise futility, putting an ugly bow on an even uglier season. Is it possible for the Wizards to win three games? Breaking down the schedule, it actually seems feasible.

April 4 v. Indiana

April 5 @ Detroit

April 6 @ New Jersey

April 9 @ Charlotte

April 10 v. Orlando

April 13 @ New York

April 14 v. Cleveland

April 16 @ Chicago

April 19 v. Milwaukee

April 21 @ Miami

April 23 v. Charlotte

April 25 @ Cleveland

April 26 v. Miami

First things first, we can eliminate the two games against the Heat, the game against the Bulls and the game against the Magic, leaving three wins in nine games. Two games against the Bobcats, the only team worse than Wizards? There's two wins. That leaves just one win in seven games. Considering those seven games include the Bucks, Cavaliers and the Nets, I think the Wizards are fully capable of avoiding such a dubious distinction.

But if they want to tank for a chance to draft Kentucky forward Anthony Davis, that works for me, too.

Adam Vingan is co-founder and editor of Kings Of Leonsis, a Caps-centric blog, and is the Capitals Editor for SB Nation. Follow him on Twitter @Adam_KOL and e-mail your story ideas to adamvingan (at) gmail.com.

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