Power Outage Completely Melts Kettler Capitals Iceplex Ice

There is no need to go into detail about the "derecho" that came through the D.C. Metro Area Friday evening because we all lived through it and, quire frankly, it really sucked.

By now, hopefully you have power back and/or are in an office with functioning air conditioning and internet so that you can cool off and read this (if neither of those things apply, you can still read this and get your news fix with the NBC4 mobile application; I swear I was not paid more to say that).

Shameless plugging aside, the widespread power outages caused headaches for much of the region. In Arlington, power was not restored in the Ballston area until about 10:30 p.m. Saturday, about a day after power initally cut out. It just so happens that the Washington Capitals practice in Ballston and play on ice. When it is hot out, ice melts. You can piece together the rest...

(Photo credit: @KHeadman)

In case you could not piece together the rest, the ice at Kettler was ruined by the power outage. Crews spent the day essentially mopping the slush away until the concrete floor beneath was visible. The ice will have to be re-flooded and frozen as well as painted so that it is fully functional once again.

Luckily for the Caps, their annual prospect development does not begin until next Monday, but it looks like Kettler will be open for business as usual today.

In the meantime, who's up for a little slush skating?

Follow Adam on Twitter @AdamVingan and e-mail your story ideas to adamvingan (at) gmail.com.

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