Meet Your New Capitals

Jason Arnott

Nickname: The Hammer

Why we love him...

He’d like run away and join the circus as a lion tamer.

His life advice to his son? “Twist your hips while shooting.”

He puts his gear on the same exact way for every game.

Oh, and this…

Marco Sturm

Nickname: German (laziest nickname ever)

Why we love him...

He once said he goes shopping more than than the team wives do. It’s “a European thing.”

He almost worked for BMW instead of playing hockey.

Being in the U.S. has made him a football fan, which is cool. Except he’s a Patriots fan, which is not cool.

His may have a future career in hat designing.

Dennis Wideman

Nickname: None

Why we love him...


Plus, he has a pretty sweet bachelor pad.

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