Man Proposes to Girlfriend With Personalized “Marry Me” Redskins Jersey

Love is priceless, except when you can fit it onto the back of a customized Redskins jersey, when it costs about $139.99 plus shipping.

Here's Travis Funkhouser proposing to girlfriend Laura with a personalized "Marry Me" jersey. Points for creativity.

"I was thinking about giving Laura a jersey with my last name -- Funkhouser -- when proposing," Travis told me via email. "I wasn't quite sure if it would make sense in the heat of the moment, so I decided to go with 'Marry Me' so there would be no confusion. I had already bought her a burgundy No. 1 jersey with her last name a while back. I think she basically just thought it was a white No. 1 jersey and that she just got lucky.

"Of the 12 or so people we had over, only a couple knew I was going to pop the question. I told everyone else that the present was a custom jersey that didn't arrive in time for Christmas and that they couldn't pick it. I worked it so that she would be the person to open the last present, and well, the rest is priceless."

Congratulations to the happy couple. May their marriage last longer than a seven-game winning streak.

(Via D.C. Sports Bog/@recordsandradio) 

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