Presidential Hopeful Tryouts Saturday

A group of dedicated Nationals fans spent Saturday morning and afternoon trying out to fill the shoes of one of the founding fathers.

Can you run from centerfield to home plate in 40 seconds?

Are you between 5'7'' and 6'6'' tall?

Can you wear a 45-pound costume for several hours at a time?

If you've answered yes to all three questions, than you just might have the stuff to be a racing president for the Nationals.

At the beginning of February,  the Nationals invited presidential candidates to send in their resumes. 

Saturday, the cream of the crop was invited to Nationals Stadium to show their stuff.  Would-be racing presidents were asked to perform various feats of strength, including the 40-yard dash and performing a freestyle dance.  Prez potentials were also quizzed on their knowledge of Nationals baseball and Nationals mascots.

In addition to being fast and knowledgeable, running president hopefuls also needed to have a lot of time: the team requires mascots to be available for 35 Nationals home games.

A spokesperson for the team said somewhere between 15 and 25 of those who auditioned will be selected. They do not however make any formal announcements about who they are, in an effort to maintain anonymity of the Presidents.

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