Cooley Cares About the Redskins

When a player gets injured and people start whispering about his possible departure from the team, that player usually goes on a public relations campaign, professing his loyalty to his current team and fan base.

When Chris Cooley does it, it’s not PR. It’s real and believable and exactly the reason why Cooley will always be a fan favorite here in D.C.

Cooley addressed the media, who naturally had questions about his future with the Redskins. Cooley made it clear where his priorities lie.

“The thing that I remember the most is going to the Super Bowl and seeing the Saints run out of the tunnel. I watched those guys run out of the tunnel and thought, nothing would ever compare to that,” he said.  “I’ve been here so long, and this has been such an important part of my life. I don’t want to run through the tunnel in another uniform.”

Of course, no current Redskin is going to say, “I’d like to win a Super Bowl, but I think I’d rather do it with another team.” That statement is pretty predictable.

But as Cooley continued, he showed us why fans should genuinely care about this guy.

“This will be the only team I care about the rest of my life and I want to do it with this team,” explained Cooley. “I’m a fan of the Washington Redskins. I’m a fan of the guys that played before me and I love being a part of it. A Super Bowl for this team is really why I’ll continue to play this game.”

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