A Green Game Day Competition

Colleges encouraged to go green on game day

College football season is upon us, and you know what that means -- recycling! Was helping the environment not the first thing that came to mind? The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is trying to change that.

The Game Day Challenge is an initiative of the EPA’s WasteWise program. The objective of the contest for colleges and universities is to encourage environmentally friendly practices.
Registered schools will design a waste reduction plan for one game during the month of October and measure the results. Participants can collect common materials for recycling such as paper, beverage containers, cardboard and food to be donated and composted. The winning school will be determined based on the amount of waste generated and recycled.
Schools can win in several categories based on waste generated per attendee, greenhouse gas reductions, highest recycling rates, highest organics reduction rate and highest combined recycling and composting rate.
Winners of the competition will be publicized on EPA’s website.
Schools that want to be involved must register by September 30 then select on which October game day the waste reduction program will be implemented. During the day of the challenge, data must be tracked and the results reported.
Schools will now have another way to battle for the win. However, this competition requires no athletic prowess, just some environmentally minded tailgaters.
For questions, call the WasteWise Helpline at (800) EPA-WISE or e-mail wastewise@icfi.com
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