Unemployed Chorus Singing Carols at Boehner's D.C. Home

Seeking unemployment benefit extensions

A crowd of 50 unemployed D.C. residents plan on a-wassailing over to House Speaker John Boehner's Capitol Hill home Wednesday night.

But the jingle they'll be singing will have a sharper edge than traditional Christmas carols.

They'll be singing new versions of old favorites, rewritten as 'Protest Christmas Carols.'

The group that is organizing the singing, Our DC, forwarded a song sheet over to NBC.  Here's the lyrics to their song "Where's the Jobs," sung to the tune of "Let it Snow" -

"Speaker Boehner’s at this party,

Seems the Chambers’ funds are hearty,

But Americans want to know

Where’re the jobs, where’re the jobs, where’re the jobs?"

Our DC says that the unemployment extension bill endorsed by Boehner will cut benefits for thousands of District residents, money jobless residents depend on.

The singing is slated to start at 6 p.m., at the congressman's house in Southeast D.C.

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