Morning Read: D.C. Unions Skeptical That Gray Will Give Them Raises

The D.C. government has long had a contentious relationship with the unions representing police officers. The two parties have been unable to work out a contract since 2007, and the District's police officers have consequently not seen a raise in more than five years.

The Gray administration wants that to all change this year, and the mayor has pushed for bigger salaries, even including tens of millions of dollars in his recently proposed budget for raises for city workers.

But the public safety unions are skeptical and, according to the Washington Examiner, warn not to trust the rhetoric of what they see as a labor-unfriendly administration. 

"I have absolutely no idea what they're doing," Kristopher Baumann, chairman of the city's police union, told the Examiner. "The mayor's public statements on this have not matched anything they've done at the bargaining table."

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* Parents, childcare providers and advocates protested against an Arlington County proposal to eliminate childcare safety and quality standards and revert to lower state standards. (Washington Post)

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* D.C. Council candidate Elissa Silverman argues that her fiscal and social policies are more nuanced than have been portrayed. (Washington Examiner)

* D.C. leaders are hoping that art installations draw tourists off the Mall and into local neighborhoods. (Washington Examiner)

* The Post Editorial Board writes that D.C. voters should say yes to budget autonomy. (Washington Post)

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